Gas exchange in the tissues

Internal or tissue, breathing is performed as follows.
Since tissue tension resulting CO2 metabolism reaches 7980-9310 Pa and venous blood – 6118-6251 Pa CO2 diffuses from the tissue into the venous blood from venous blood and – in alveolar air.

The arterial blood pressure 13566-13965 Pa. In the tissues of O2 consumed and, therefore, its voltage reaches zero. Therefore, O2 diffuses from the blood into the arterial tissue and venous blood pressure falls to 4921-5320 Pa, and interstitial fluid, it ranges from 2,660 to 4,921 Pa.

Thus, tissue consume 8 percent by volume, or 40% of O2, which is contained in the arterial blood. When the enhanced muscle tissue consumes 50-60% of O2 levels.

Increased consumption of O2 in the tissues contributes to the formation of acids during muscular work, which is known to reduce the ability of hemoglobin to bind O2. Consequently, this action causes acids increase O2 consumption, which depends on the intensity of oxidation in tissues regulated nervous system and not on the amount of O 2 delivered to the tissue. O2 utilization rate calculated in cubic nanometers absorbed O2 at 1 mg dry weight of tissue and 1 hour. The coefficient of utilization of O2 in human cerebral cortex – 6,0-10,3 in gastric mucosa – 9.6, in a salivary gland – 6,3, lymph nodes – 3,8-5,9. This coefficient is relatively large in the adrenal cortex and kidney. With age, people have been systematically reduced consumption of O2 fabrics.

The utilization rate of the whole organism, or the use of oxygen determined by the amount of oxygen that is consumed blood from 1 dts3 air aspirated into the alveoli. The rest is the amount of oxygen equal to 40-60 cm3 as 1 dts3 arterial blood contains up to 200 cm3 of oxygen, and venous – 140 cm3.

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Gas exchange in the tissues