The impact of the cerebral hemispheres in the activity of the respiratory center

The respiratory center in the medulla oblongata is under the effect of nerve impulses from the encircling gyrus, striped bodies, thalamus, hypothalamic region, midbrain, cerebellum and premotor areas of the cerebral hemispheres.

Irritation of the frontal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain causes changes in respiratory movements (VY Danilevsky, 1874). The animals were elaborated conditioned reflexes to breathe. After removing the parts of the cerebral cortex, the higher performing the regulation of breathing, of course, reflex changes in respiration maintained and conditioned reflexes breathing temporarily disappeared, and then restored.

Effect of cerebral hemispheres on the breath proved by the fact that the respiratory movements can be changed at will: breathing can slow or delay for some time, or, conversely, participation or deepen. Psychic influence and suggestion cause a change of respiratory movements. People ventilation increases the action of signals prior to the muscular activity.
Thus, the highest, most subtle form of breathing regulation – ensuring that the living conditions of the respiratory movements – carried out with the participation of the cerebral hemispheres.

It is assumed that the neurons of the cerebral hemispheres excitable to a voltage increase of carbon dioxide in the blood than the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata.

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The impact of the cerebral hemispheres in the activity of the respiratory center