Irritability, agitation and lability

General properties of the animal organism, its organs, tissues and cells – excitability and lability.
Excitability – the ability to respond actively to the process of excitation to a variety of impacts on the environment or changes in the internal environment of the body.

Metabolic processes constantly occur in organs, tissues and cells. Therefore in the sense of resting metabolic termination does not exist. Physiological rest – is the level of metabolism, in which there are no external manifestations of motor activity detected by observation or by means of special techniques.

Excitation – a level shift metabolism, which may occur in the activities inherent in a given tissue or organ. In the development of specialized cell function has occurred; Some cells, such as muscle cells, when excited reduced, others, such as cells glands produce and release specific substances, etc… These manifestations are called specific excitation. But the initial stage of excitation can be detected and not in a particular activity, and captured only a very small increase in oxidative processes, heat generation, the emergence of electric currents and other processes. These manifestations are called general excitement.
Labile or functional mobility – is the speed of the transition from a state of rest to a state of excitation and exit. In some cells and tissues excitation occurs rapidly, and in others slowly. Property lability opened and examined Vvedenskii.

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Irritability, agitation and lability