
Blood moves in blood vessels due to the energy produced by heartbeats and creating the blood pressure in the aorta.
The energy consumed in blood pressure on the movement of blood through the blood vessels and blood circulation in them is done by the physical laws of the movement of fluids in the tubing.
Most of the pressure is spent on friction: external (friction particles of blood on the walls of blood vessels) and internal (friction particles of blood each other)

The value of the elasticity of the vascular walls

The heart pumps blood into the vessels intermittently in batches. However, it flows through the vessels continuous stream, without stopping in the intervals between heartbeats. What motivates blood during ventricular diastole? The potential energy of the heart muscle, accumulated in the walls of blood vessels. Systolic blood volume and muscle stretch elastic wall elements, mainly large arteries. In this wall, thus accumulating energy reserve of the heart, its tensile expended. During diastole elastic artery wall collapses and passively accumulated in it the potential energy of the heart moves blood. Stretching is facilitated by the large arteries that due to the large resistance offered by the small blood vessels, the blood ejected by the heart during systole, no time to go to the small blood vessels, and therefore it creates a temporary excess in major arterial vessels.
Thus, only the blood in the arteries of the engine both during systole and diastole, during – the heart.
Capillaries are able to contract and expand. Full or partial compression or expansion of capillaries causes a redistribution of blood between the tissues. The lumen of the capillaries changes due to the contractile cells of capillaries (Rouge).
Engine blood in the capillaries – the heart. Movement of blood in the veins is also produced a residual force of the heart and is facilitated by the following additional factors:

    1. The suction effect of the thoracic cavity, which has a negative pressure. 2. The differential pressure in the abdominal and thoracic cavities. In the abdomen, in which there are numerous blood vessels superatmospheric pressure, which favors the flow of blood to the heart while it is in the thoracic cavity in which pressure below atmospheric pressure. 3. In a small extent, also the suction action of the heart during diastole. 4. Reduction of skeletal muscle and the muscular wall of the intestines, the blood is pushed toward the heart in the thin-walled veins located in the muscles. Reverse flow of blood in the veins is not possible due to them being in valves.

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