The method of Pavlov

Prior studies by Pavlov for the study of the digestive system was used, as a rule, the method of critical experiments carried out under general anesthesia, or when you turn off the cerebral hemispheres.
In these experiments, in the ducts of the glands of the cannula is inserted, but which follows the juice during stimulation of the nerve or when injected into the blood of certain chemical substances. In such experiments inevitably interferes with the normal functioning of the organism and the function of the glands.

Without denying the importance of acute experimental techniques for a detailed analysis of the course of nerve tracts, which calls the body being studied, and using it, Pavlov pointed to its limitations in the study of reflex processes.
Since Pavlov set out to uncover the role of the nervous system in digestion in normal conditions, it has developed new surgical techniques to implement chronic experiments. He invented a lot of new operations yl gut animals, after which over the years can be studied secretory and motor functions of its different departments in the excellent health of the operated animal. Breeding operations have been developed outside nezarastayuschih holes digestive glands or ducts fistula: salivary glands (1895), pancreas (1879), the bile duct (1902).
Because of these operations open patterns salivation, offices and biliary excretion of pancreatic juice during processing in the gut of various foods.

To study the secretion of gastric juice Pavlov for the operation simple gastric fistula surgery annexed transection of the esophagus in the neck and sew both ends in the skin (esophagotomy), which has revealed an important fact of gastric juice while finding food in the mouth and resulted in a the discovery of nerves that cause the secretion of gastric juice. This operation also made it possible to obtain pure natural gastric juice in the “imaginary” feeding.

In 1894, Pavlov suggested his famous step of isolation of a small ventricle, which preserves the nerves a little ventricle (ventricle in an isolated Heidenhain nerves are cut), and therefore isolated from the secretion of gastric juice Pavlovian ventricle corresponds to all phases of the compartment gastric glands of the stomach into a large residence time food therein.
To study the secretion of gastric juice, Pavlov used and is still capable of insertion into the stomach fistula from a non-oxidizing metal, closed with a stopper (I. Weßling, 1666), as well as the formation of gastric fistula (VA Basov, 1842).
Observations in humans with gastric fistula after injury and small ventricle, such as the abdominal wall hernia in one 20-year-old girl confirmed facts obtained on dogs.

In Pavlov’s laboratory it developed a way to turn off the liver from the general circulation by forming connections (fistulas) between the portal vein and inferior vena cava (Eck fistula). This operation is allowed to explore the protective, barrier function of the liver, a process of neutralization of toxic products it is sucked into the gut, as well as toxic products that are formed during the digestive glands.

Pavlov has developed new ways of studying motor of the digestive canal by isolating and (its individual sections, removing the intestines under the skin, the superposition of many fistulas throughout the course of the alimentary canal, and others.
Also discovered methods of studying the activities of the human digestive glands in normal conditions, without damaging the organism. Of great importance for the study of the function of digestion and are observing in the clinic over the wounded and sick, as well as of animals and humans in transmission X-rays. Currently studied by digestion radio sensors (radiopilyul) encapsulated in synthetic material length of 15-20 mm, a diameter of 8 mm, and recording of ingestible human pressure, temperature, pH and amount of enzymes in the entire digestive canal.

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The method of Pavlov